Wednesday 2 May 2012

Former Foreword

Just came across this, the foreword to my dissertation, "Are We What We Cook?: Self-Identity and Judgement in Come Dine With Me*" (yes, you read that right... I wrote my dissertation on Come Dine With Me). Seems somewhat appropriate considering the recent turns of events in my life, so thought I'd give it a post... 

I don’t feel someone truly knows me until I've cooked for them.  Cooking has been a strong part of my life for as long as I can remember – sneaking down with my father early Saturday mornings to make pancakes; kneading and twisting challah with my mother on rainy winter days, the smell of yeast and honey hovering in the air; lining up at the age of eleven, the youngest in line by a good two decades, in anticipation to meet my favourite TV chef, Jacques Pépin.  

Cooking is much more than a necessity to me, and when I invite people over for a meal, I want to express that in my food. Just as artists express at least a small part of themselves within their work, the same can be said for my cooking. When I pass a plate of my food to you, I'm not just offering you something to eat; I'm giving you a little taste of my passion, my history, myself. And, just as an artist waits with anticipation and anxiety for reactions to their work, don't be surprised if you catch me watching your reactions from the corner of my eye… waiting to see if you understand who I am a bit better after the first bite.

*If for some crazy reason you are interested in reading my dissertation, do get in touch!